Remedying the Clinical Skills Shortage with the NHS.

Interview participants:
Dr. Diane Cannon, DNP, MHA.
Mem Van Beak, Clinical Skills Instructor, NHS & Xapimed client.

Peter Birch from Talking Healthtech welcomes Dr. Diane Cannon, head of Clinical Education and Innovation at Xapimed, and Xapimed client, Mem Van Beak, a Clinical Educator in the NHS.

The three seek to answer the question: “How can technology be used to remedy the nurse skills shortage and improve retention?”. They explore how the NHS uses the Xapimed platform to better assess and address learning needs inside the NHS and in healthcare more broadly.

Want to see if Xapimed is the right fit to develop your nurse workforce?
Download our skills checklist here, or book a demo below.
Let us create a customized, 30-minute demo of the Xapimed platform for you. We’ll show you how;
  • Digitizing your skills and competency framework will drive efficiency, cost savings and give time back to caregivers.
  • Real-time reporting provides a comprehensive view of the skills and competencies of your clinical workforce 24/7.
  • Xapimed can be customized to your requirements. It’s a complete training, development, engagement, and retention tool built for frontline healthcare workers.
At the end of the demo, we will set you up with a free Xapimed account for you to try with your team.

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